Saturday, 1 January 2011

I got my SNSD Wall Calendar!

I'm so excited I got my calendar! I did order both but this one came first, it's so pretty and big! I can't till February comes because it's Tiffany's picture, she so pretty oh my god just so pretty. But there was a problem I had with it. I really want to know has this only happened to me. The thing is the box that came with it there's a big pink sticker thing that covers the place where you open the box. And I didn't know how to open so I stupidly tried to cut the pink (what turned out to be paper) thing and it worked fine it looked ugly but it was fine. So than I hit a hard spot I can't cut it anymore so I began to cut the other side and hit the spot again. I'm not stupid I know there's suppose to be a opener flap thingy there so I begin to pull on it and nothing happens it doesn't seem to be coming out. So I decided to make a stupid desiction and cut on the flap and it finally came loose. It's not that big of a deal but now I have a not very pretty box and all my Girls' Generation things are all in pretty neat looking ,expect for the stuff you have to open. For some reason I can't seem to get stuff out of there cover, box, contener whatever. It's not for everyone I guess.    

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